10 Surprising Home Security Fixes You Need To Know About Now

When you’re at home, the last thing you probably want to do is think about home security. Unfortunately, though, it’s easier than ever for criminals to break into homes and steal valuables. 

That’s why knowing how to keep your home safe from intruders is more important than ever before. 

And fortunately for us all, there are many simple things we can do at home that take only a few minutes but can make a big difference in keeping out unwanted visitors and keeping our stuff safe!

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Not Locking Your Doors And Windows

This one may seem obvious, but there are still people who leave their doors unlocked. A lot of people even leave their garage door open all day long and night. 

That’s just asking for trouble! If you want to be safe, you need to lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house. 

This is especially important if you have a motion sensor alarm system at home because thieves will know when your house is empty since they can see that it’s not on.

Building a strong foundation for home security is crucial, and you’ll be surprised at how easily you can implement effective measures. Our guide on 16 Easy Home Security Fixes provides practical tips to protect your home from burglars and ensure peace of mind.

Not Changing Your Locks When You Move Into A New Home

It’s a good idea to change your locks when you move into a new home. For one thing, it’s cheap and easy to do. (Changing the locks usually costs less than $50, and most people can do it themselves.) 

For another, it can help protect against break-ins while you’re moving in or out of your home and even if you already have an alarm system installed, an intruder could still get in through windows or other entry points that are left unlocked.

Unauthorized access by previous occupantsPrevious owners or tenants may still have keys to your home
Potential for break-insUnchanged locks increase the risk of unauthorized entry
Compromised securityFailure to change locks leaves your home vulnerable to intruders
Lack of control over accessNot knowing who has access to your home poses security concerns
Inadequate protection for belongingsUnchanged locks may not provide sufficient protection for your valuables

Not Keeping Your Blinds And Curtains Drawn

Not keeping your blinds and curtains drawn is one of the most common mistakes people make in their homes.

This is especially true if you live in a high-rise apartment or condo building that doesn’t provide security cameras for residents to use. In those cases, it’s important to be vigilant about keeping your home’s blinds closed. 

That way potential burglars will have a much harder time seeing inside when they walk by your unit or peer through windows from outside the building. 

You should also consider using curtains instead of blinds because they allow for some light to enter the room during daytime hours without giving away any visibility into what goes on inside your home at night or during early morning hours before sunrise.

In addition to protecting your privacy from prying eyes, keeping curtains drawn also helps keep heat out in summer months which can help lower energy costs while allowing natural light in during winter months which can help reduce eye strain caused by working indoors all day long without proper lighting conditions being provided by artificial sources such as lamps (or sunshine!).

Safeguarding your home and family should be a top priority. Explore The Ultimate Guide to Home Security Fixes to discover comprehensive strategies and expert advice on fortifying your home against potential threats.

Not Investing In A Security System

You need a security system.

It’s true, and it can be as affordable as you want it to be. If you have a home or car that isn’t already equipped with some kind of security measure, here are just a few of the benefits:

  • You don’t have to worry about someone breaking into your house while you’re at work.
  • You won’t waste time calling police if there is an intruder in the house (they’ll know instantly).
  • Even if nothing happens, having a security system will give you peace of mind and make sure that your family is safe from harm.

Locking The Door Without Deadbolting It

You may be surprised to learn that locking your door with a deadbolt is actually more secure than leaving it unlocked.

Deadbolts are more secure than regular locks because they require a key to open from either side of the door. This means that even if someone breaks in through your window, they won’t be able to unlock your door from the inside and get out before you’ve had time to call 911.

The deadlock is also safer than chain locks (which are only as strong as their weakest link) or wedge bars (which can be pushed out of place). 

And it’s much stronger than any other type of lock like one that uses tape on hinges or doors stops placed under doorknobs that prevents entry but makes an easy escape possible for intruders who want nothing more than a few seconds alone in your home in order to steal something small enough not worth getting caught stealing. 

If you’re interested in installing extra security measures but don’t want them interfering with daily life (whether due to convenience or aesthetics), consider purchasing an automatic locking mechanism like this one by Schlage instead!

Looking for innovative home security solutions? Discover a range of new home security fixes that will leave you amazed. Stay protected with cutting-edge technologies and techniques designed to enhance the safety of your home.

Keeping A Key Under The Doormat Or Flower Pot

Hiding your keys under a doormat or flower pot is not only an easy way to lose them, but it also puts them in plain sight for any would-be burglars who want to break into your home. If you already have a key hidden in this fashion, remove it immediately.

There are several ways that you can hide the key more securely:

Put it inside of a fake rock (i.e., “bump key”) and place it near the front door. This will take someone longer than they’d like to find because they’ll have to fiddle with the rock before they realize there’s no real key there at all and then they’ll have to move on without breaking into your house.

Hide it inside of something small like a fake dog bone or toy car and put it somewhere along your property line where no one would think twice about looking for something suspicious like that—but where someone could easily step on if they wanted access into your home too badly! 

The best part about doing this is that even if someone does manage to get onto your property unnoticed by neighbors or family members nearby, then all he/she’ll be able to see is an innocent-looking dog bone sitting innocently next door! Ha ha ha!”

Hiding PlaceDescription
Under the doormatA classic and easily discovered location for keys
Inside a flower potAn insecure spot that is commonly checked by burglars
Under a rock near the front doorA well-known hiding place that offers little security
Inside a fake rock key holderBurglars are familiar with these types of hiding devices
Inside a mailboxEasily accessible and targeted by thieves

Please note that the table above presents common insecure hiding places for keys based on the semantic of the point “Keeping A Key Under The Doormat Or Flower Pot.” The suggested H3 heading for the table could be “Table: Common Insecure Hiding Places for Keys.”

Sharing Too Much On Social Media

One of the best ways to protect your home is by simply not sharing anything on social media that could give potential intruders a head start. If you post pictures of the inside of your house, for instance, you’re giving bad actors a clear idea of where to find valuables and where they can hide.

The same goes for sharing your address. While this may seem like an obvious security risk, many people don’t realize how easy it is for strangers to access their personal information through social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram (which both require users to provide their locations).

It’s also important to avoid sharing personal details such as your birthday and email address   which are often required when signing up for various services online. 

In addition, don’t disclose any sensitive information related to finances such as bank account numbers or credit card numbers over these public channels either!

Enhancing your home security doesn’t have to break the bank. Check out The Top 10 Home Security Fixes to find budget-friendly options that can significantly improve the safety and protection of your property.

Leaving Garage Door Openers In Cars Parked In The Driveway Or Outside The Garage

If you park your car in the driveway or outside of your garage and leave the key fob for your garage door opener in it, a burglar can use that to get into your house. The same goes if you keep the fob in your house and someone breaks into the car.

The most secure place to store these devices is not where they are likely to be stolen from i.e., hanging out on top of an old refrigerator or tucked inside a drawer next to other important documents.

Storing Valuables In Obvious Hiding Places

The more obvious your valuables are, the more likely they are to be stolen. While this doesn’t mean you should throw all of your jewelry in a sock drawer and hope for the best, it does mean that keeping your valuables in an obvious place is usually not a good idea. 

If you want to keep yourself safe from thieves, it’s better to store them in a safe or lock box under lock and key than on display in your living room window. 

It also pays off to hide small items like jewelry or cash around the house so that burglars can’t find them right away you never know when or where criminals might strike after all!

Hiding PlaceDescription
Dresser drawersOften the first place burglars check for valuables
Under the mattressA common hiding spot that is easily accessible
Jewelry box on the dresserObvious target for thieves
Shoeboxes in the closetA place burglars might search for hidden items
Cookie jars in the kitchenEasily recognized as a potential hiding spot

Leaving Notes For Delivery People On Your Front Door

If you’re expecting something from Amazon, or any other shipping company for that matter, leave a note on your front door. It should say something like: “Please leave package at the side door if we’re not home.” 

This way, when delivery people see the note and are unable to find an accessible spot where they can leave items such as boxes, bags or tubes they will know where to go in order to deliver your package safely without having to knock on doors first.

If possible, try not give out your personal information too readily over the phone when making a call about an attempted delivery. 

If someone claiming they are with USPS calls and asks if there is someone else home with you who would be able to sign for packages be wary of this question! 

It’s impossible for them to tell whether or not there’s someone else at home by simply hearing voices over the phone (and even then there could be!)

Don’t underestimate the life-saving potential of effective home security measures. Learn about 15 home security fixes that can make a significant difference during emergencies. Discover practical steps you can take to safeguard your loved ones and valuables.


So, if you’re not sure what security features are available to you and your home, now is the time. 

Contact a local security company or police department for more information about how to protect yourself from home invasions.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to explore for further information on home security:

8 Surprising Home Burglary Statistics: Discover eye-opening statistics about home burglaries and gain insights into the importance of home security measures.

Ways to Make Your Home Safer: Explore various ways to enhance the safety of your home, including practical tips and recommendations for securing your property.

Home Security Dos and Don’ts: Learn essential dos and don’ts of home security to ensure you are taking the right steps to protect your home and loved ones.


Here are some frequently asked questions about home security:

What are some basic home security measures I can take?

Basic home security measures include installing deadbolt locks, using window locks, ensuring proper lighting, and having a reliable alarm system.

How can I secure my home when I’m away for an extended period?

When you’re away for an extended period, you can secure your home by notifying trusted neighbors, using timers for lights and electronics, arranging for mail and package collection, and having a home security system in place.

Are smart home security systems worth investing in?

Smart home security systems offer advanced features such as remote monitoring, motion detection, and smartphone alerts. They can enhance the security of your home and provide convenience, making them a worthwhile investment for many homeowners.

How can I deter burglars from targeting my home?

To deter burglars, you can take steps such as installing visible security cameras, displaying signage indicating a security system, maintaining a well-kept appearance of your property, and avoiding leaving valuable items in plain sight.

What should I do if I experience a home burglary?

If you experience a home burglary, it’s important to prioritize your safety. Leave the premises and call the authorities immediately. Avoid touching anything that may have been handled by the intruder and wait for the police to arrive to conduct an investigation.