15 Home Security Fixes That Could Save You Thousands Of Dollars

If you want to secure your home, there are a number of steps you can take. Some are free, while others may require some investment. 

We’ve compiled them all here so that you can choose the best possible path to ensure your home is secure and protected against intruders.

High-tech security to protect your home from thieves | 7NEWS
1. Implement a smart security system.
2. Install motion sensor lights.
3. Reinforce doors and windows.
4. Secure your Wi-Fi network.
5. Use timers for lights and electronics.
6. Trim landscaping for better visibility.
7. Lock all doors and windows when leaving.
8. Install deadbolt locks.
9. Get to know your neighbors.
10. Keep valuables out of sight.
11. Use security cameras.
12. Display home security signs and stickers.
13. Install window security film.
14. Secure sliding doors.
15. Consider a safe or lockbox for valuables.

Replace Your Door Knob

To make your home more secure, it’s important to install a deadbolt on your doors. A deadbolt is an extra bit of hardware that locks the door when it closes and prevents anyone from entering through the door without a key or combination.

Deadbolts come in all shapes and sizes, so you can pick one that fits your style and budget!

  • Cost: $10-$50
  • Difficulty: Easy (you can do it yourself)

Building a strong defense for your home is crucial in protecting it from burglars. Check out our article on 16 Easy Home Security Fixes that will provide you with practical tips to enhance your home’s security.

Get a Smart Lock

A smart lock is one of the easiest ways to improve your home security, and it’s also one of the most effective. A smart lock integrates with your smartphone, so you can use an app to remotely control who has access to your door. 

You can program the lock so that it automatically locks or unlocks when certain conditions are met–like if a guest arrives at your house with their phone on them (and their phone has been registered as being allowed through this specific door). 

You can even have voice commands trigger certain actions, like having someone say “I’m here” before unlocking the door for them automatically!

Smart locks offer many other benefits besides just being able to let people in without having any keys on hand: they’re great for tracking who comes into your home (or doesn’t), they make keeping track of keys easier since there aren’t any physical copies floating around anymore…they’re simply awesome!

Make Sure Your Windows and Doors Are Secure

When you’re home, make sure all windows and doors are locked. If you live in an apartment building, make sure that all of the windows on every floor are also locked before going to bed at night.

This is really important because burglars can easily break into a window using just their bare hands–and they’ll do it while everyone else is sleeping! 

Instead of spending money on expensive security systems or hiring guards, just take five minutes each night before going to bed to secure your home from intruders by locking everything up tight like a drum line.

When it comes to safeguarding your home and ensuring the safety of your family, knowledge is key. Dive into our comprehensive guide on Home Security Fixes to discover expert advice and effective strategies for fortifying your home against potential threats.

Install a Security System

Having a security system installed in your home is one of the best ways to protect yourself, your family and your property.

But it can also be one of the most expensive things you ever do. There are so many options out there — DIY systems, professionally installed systems with monitoring by a security company or self-monitored systems — so how do you know which one is right for you?

Here are some things to consider when deciding on whether or not installing a home security system makes sense:

Security System TypeBrand
Smart Security SystemSimpliSafe
Wireless Alarm SystemRing Alarm
DIY Security SystemAbode
Professional SystemADT
Home Automation SystemVivint
Outdoor Security CameraArlo Pro 4

The table above showcases different types of security systems for installation in your home. Each security system type is paired with a recommended brand, providing you with options from trusted manufacturers in the industry.

Get an Alarm System

Alarm systems are the best way to protect your home and family.

You can install an alarm system yourself or hire a professional, depending on what you’re looking for in terms of price, convenience, and expertise.

There are two types of alarm systems: monitored and unmonitored (also called self-monitoring). A monitored system requires you to pay for monitoring services from a central monitoring station; an unmonitored one does not. 

When considering which type is best for you, think about whether or not having someone else monitor your home’s security matters to you–and if so how much it costs each month! 

In addition, if money isn’t an issue then going with a monitored system might be worth considering because they tend to offer more features than their self-monitored counterparts do (e.g., remote access via smartphone apps). 

But if cost is something that concerns us then we might want something simpler since most people already own smartphones anyway so there wouldn’t be much need for extra bells & whistles unless those particular bells & whistles are specifically built into our chosen model anyway…

Think you’ve covered all the basics of home security? Think again! Explore our article on 10 Surprising Home Security Fixes to uncover innovative and unexpected ways to enhance the security measures in and around your home.

Install Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are a great way to save energy, especially if you have a large home. With motion sensors, when someone walks into a room or near an appliance like a light switch or fan, it will turn on automatically. 

This can be especially useful in rooms with few windows where natural light may not be enough to illuminate the space.

You can also use motion sensors to turn off lights when no one is around and turn them back on when someone enters the room again. 

This can help prevent burglars from knowing that there’s someone at home while still keeping things bright enough for safety purposes (and your sanity).

Repair Broken Windows or Doors Quickly

Windows and doors are the most common entry points for burglars. If your windows or doors are damaged, fix them immediately. 

Even if you can’t afford to fix the windows or doors right now, consider getting security bars for them instead. 

Security bars will provide an added layer of protection against intruders and keep burglars from gaining access through a window or door while you’re away at work or sleeping at night.

Are you looking for cutting-edge home security solutions that go beyond the ordinary? Don’t miss our intriguing article on New Home Security Fixes that will introduce you to some of the most advanced and impressive home security technologies available today.

Add Interior Lighting to Help You See in the Dark

Adding interior lighting can help you see in the dark and deter criminals. There are many ways to do this, but one of the easiest is by installing motion sensor lights around your home. 

The best place for these is on either side of doors leading into rooms or areas that need extra visibility, such as garages and basements. 

You can also add light fixtures inside cabinets or closets so you’ll know if someone has been messing with your stuff while everyone else was asleep!

Another great way to keep burglars at bay is by adding exterior lights along walkways leading up toward entrances–this way they’ll have no choice but to be seen when they try entering through doors without permission from homeowners (or even just trying turning doorknobs).

Recommended Interior Lighting Brands

Lighting TypeBrand
Motion Sensor LightsPhilips Hue Motion Sensor
LED Strip LightsLIFX Z LED Strip Lights
Table LampsIKEA
Floor LampsWest Elm
Pendant LightsLutron Caseta
Ceiling LightsKichler

The table above showcases different types of interior lighting options for adding illumination to your space. Each lighting type is paired with a recommended brand, providing you with choices from reputable manufacturers.

Consider Security Cameras or DVRs for Outdoor Surveillance

The first step to installing a home security camera system is choosing the right camera for your home. There are many different types of cameras available, but they all fall into two categories: indoor and outdoor.

Indoor cameras are great for monitoring activity inside your house during the day or night because they can be placed almost anywhere in the house without having to worry about weather damage. 

However, if you want to monitor what goes on outside your property (such as cars driving by), then an outdoor model may be better suited for this task. You’ll also want to consider whether or not you have any pets who might interfere with installation (if so, make sure that you choose an indoor model). 

Another factor worth considering when choosing between these two options is cost–while both types tend toward being expensive compared with other types of home security systems like alarms or motion sensors (about $200-$300), they tend toward being more affordable than other kinds of surveillance equipment like infrared sensors ($600+) which require professional installation services instead

Home security doesn’t have to break the bank. Discover our carefully curated list of The Top 10 Home Security Fixes for Every Budget and find cost-effective strategies to enhance the security of your home without compromising on quality or effectiveness.


We hope you’re encouraged to make some of these security fixes for your home. They won’t cost much, but they can go a long way towards making sure that no one breaks in and steals your valuables. 

And if they do try, they’ll find it more difficult than ever thanks to these easy DIY projects!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on home security:

Ways to Make Your Home Safer: Explore this comprehensive guide that provides practical tips and strategies to enhance the safety and security of your home.

Cheap Home Protection Hacks That Could Save You Thousands: Discover budget-friendly and innovative home protection hacks that can help you secure your home without breaking the bank.

Inexpensive Ways to Theft-Proof Your Home: Check out this article for cost-effective measures and DIY solutions to theft-proof your home and ensure its security.


What are some basic home security measures I can take?

Basic home security measures include installing sturdy locks on doors and windows, using outdoor lighting, and keeping the exterior of your home well-maintained to deter potential intruders.

Are there any affordable security systems for home protection?

Yes, there are affordable security systems available that offer basic protection, such as DIY alarm systems or wireless security cameras. These can provide an added layer of security without a hefty price tag.

How can I secure my home when I’m away on vacation?

To secure your home when you’re away on vacation, you can ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property, use timers to turn lights on and off, and avoid advertising your absence on social media.

What should I do if I notice suspicious activity in my neighborhood?

If you observe suspicious activity in your neighborhood, it’s best to report it to your local law enforcement authorities. Provide them with as much information as possible to help ensure the safety of your community.

How often should I update my home security measures?

It’s recommended to periodically review and update your home security measures. This includes checking the functionality of alarms, replacing worn-out locks, and staying informed about the latest security technologies and practices.