Don’t Miss These 15 Home Security Fixes That Could Save Your Life

If you’ve ever been robbed or burglarized, you know how unsettling it can be. It’s not just the loss of possessions that’s so upsetting; it’s also the feeling that someone violated your home and personal space. 

Unfortunately, burglaries are on the rise, and they happen everywhere. But there are things you can do to keep your home safe from intruders—and we’re going to show them to you right here!

These 7 Tips Will Make Your Home Secure – YouTube
Implementing home security fixes can save lives.
Adequate lighting around the home is crucial.
Reinforcing doors and windows is essential.
Investing in a reliable home security system is key.
Securing valuables and using safes can prevent theft.
Being cautious about sharing personal information.
Properly maintaining smoke detectors is vital.
Developing a home emergency plan is important.
Regularly inspecting and maintaining locks is necessary.
Keeping the exterior of the home well-maintained helps.
Installing surveillance cameras can deter criminals.
Being mindful of social media posts and geolocation.
Building strong community connections enhances safety.
Taking precautions against fire hazards is critical.
Staying informed about current home security trends.
Seeking professional advice for complex security needs.

Burglar-Proof Your Doors

You can’t be everywhere at once, but you can take some simple steps to make sure you’ve protected your home from burglars. 

First off, install a deadbolt on all exterior doors and windows. If a burglar gets in through one of these doors or windows and finds it locked, he’ll move on to the next vulnerable spot.

A peephole is also essential for keeping an eye out for intruders before unlocking your door. You want to know who’s outside so that you can decide whether or not it’s safe to open up! 

If there’s no peephole in the door and you have children at home (or anyone else who might not know if they’re being followed), consider installing one now without delay.

After making sure all of the doors are secure when you leave the house each time—and after locking them—don’t leave any keys lying around inside any locks either!

Building a strong and secure home requires taking proactive measures to protect your property. Explore our comprehensive guide on 16 Easy Home Security Fixes and discover practical tips to safeguard your home from potential burglaries.

Secure All Entry Points

  • Ensure all entry points, including windows and doors, are securely locked.
  • Make sure that all windows and doors are fitted with secure locks.
  • Make sure that all locks are in good working order. If you need to replace your locks, get a professional to do it for you so as not to compromise the security of your home further by leaving a door open for longer than necessary or making unnecessary holes in the wall.
  • Never leave keys under doormats or in letterboxes — especially if there’s no one living at the address when you’re away on holiday or out of town for work!

Don’t Leave Your Possessions In Plain Sight

One of the most common security mistakes people make is leaving valuables out in the open, where they can be easily stolen. This includes not just items like jewelry and cell phones but also spare keys, wallets, and purses. 

If you must leave a purse somewhere (like on a table at a restaurant), wrap it up in fabric or something similar so that if someone does try to steal it, they’ll have more trouble getting into it and won’t be able to take any cash or credit cards with them.

For those who live in high-crime areas: keep your car doors locked even when you’re only going to be gone for a minute don’t leave your phone lying around in plain sight either.

When it comes to ensuring the safety of your loved ones, knowledge is key. Dive into our extensive resource, The Ultimate Guide to Home Security Fixes, and empower yourself with effective strategies to fortify your home against threats.

Keep A Well-Lit Home

You can also keep an eye out for suspicious activity by making sure your home is well-lit. Install motion-sensor lights to illuminate areas that might be dark, and set timers so the lights come on at a certain time each night. 

Make sure the lights are visible from the street so cars passing by will notice them as well. The more people who can see your house at night, the better!

If you have a garage, make sure there’s a light inside so thieves won’t think no one is home when they break in after dark.

Use Only One Key For All Locks

The first thing to do is to get one key for all of your locks. Most people only have one key, but if you don’t, this can be a real problem when it comes time to evacuate the premises in an emergency. 

Locks can be hard to replace and even more difficult to get duplicated, especially if you don’t have a spare key somewhere. Having one master key that opens everything makes life easier if you need to escape from your home quickly or in an emergency situation like when a fire breaks out.

If you really want total security, then consider getting yourself a smart lock system so that no matter what happens during an emergency or robbery attempt, the door will stay closed until someone with access unlocks it with their smartphone or card reader and even then they won’t be able to open the doors unless they know where each individual lock is located!

Don’t overlook the importance of unconventional home security solutions. Learn about 10 Surprising Home Security Fixes that can significantly enhance the protection of your property and provide peace of mind.

Install Something With An Alarm On It

If you’re not ready to commit to an alarm system, there are other options. There are a variety of portable alarms that can be easily installed and carried around with you (or your kids). 

Most of them work by emitting a loud noise upon being triggered. This is enough to scare away most thieves and is often enough time for the police to respond before they do any real damage.

There’s no reason not to have one of these devices in your home or car if it’s something you can afford and you feel uneasy about leaving valuables unattended while they’re on the move.

Install Burglar Alarm SystemDeploy a burglar alarm system equipped with sensors and a loud siren.
Utilize Motion Sensor LightsInstall motion sensor lights that illuminate when motion is detected, acting as a deterrent.
Consider Smart Security SystemsInvest in smart security systems that offer alarms, surveillance, and remote monitoring capabilities.
Use Window and Door AlarmsInstall alarms on windows and doors that sound an alert when they are opened or tampered with.
Deploy Security CamerasSet up security cameras to monitor and record activities in and around your property.
Opt for Glass Break SensorsUtilize glass break sensors that detect the sound frequency of broken glass, triggering an alarm.
Utilize Panic Buttons or Personal AlarmsCarry panic buttons or personal alarms that can be activated in case of an emergency.
Employ Security SignageDisplay signs or stickers indicating the presence of a security system to deter potential intruders.

Keep Your Doors Locked At Night And When You’re Away From Home.

Keeping your home secure is a major part of staying safe. The first step to do this is by keeping all the doors locked at all times, including when you’re inside your house or apartment.

It’s easy to be lazy about locking up because we feel safe in our own home but even if it takes an extra minute or two out of your day, it could save you from serious danger later on.

Discover innovative and cutting-edge home security solutions that you never knew existed. Check out our article on New Home Security Fixes and explore the latest technologies and advancements in securing your home.

Lock The Garage Door When You Leave The House

A garage door is a favorite of burglars because it’s easy to get in and out of, and there’s no one around to see them. You can install a sensor on your garage door that will alert you if it is opened while the alarm system is armed. 

You can also have it automatically close after 15 seconds so that those who don’t know how to operate it aren’t trapped inside. Another option is to install a remote control for opening up the garage from inside of your house, which makes things easier for people who live alone or don’t have many visitors at their home.

Don’t Hide Spare Keys Outside

Hiding your spare key outside your house is a bad idea. If you’re the type of person who puts the spare key under a mat or in your mailbox, you should stop. You are not being very smart. Thieves can easily find them and steal them, leaving you locked out of your own home.

  • Don’t hide spare keys outside
  • Don’t leave it in the mailbox or under a rock
  • Don’t leave it on the front porch

Even if you’re in an area where crime isn’t common and no one has ever stolen anything from anyone else ever, it’s still a bad idea to let yourself be vulnerable by hiding away your key somewhere accessible for anyone with half an eye for opportunity—which is basically everyone!

Avoid Hiding Keys Under DoormatsDo not hide spare keys under doormats, as it is a common and easily discovered location.
Install Keyless Entry SystemsUpgrade to keyless entry systems, such as smart locks or keypad locks, for added convenience and security.
Use Key SafesUtilize secure key safes, such as wall-mounted or combination lock boxes, to store spare keys securely.
Share Keys with Trusted IndividualsProvide spare keys only to trusted family members, friends, or neighbors for emergency access purposes.
Consider Biometric LocksInstall biometric locks that use fingerprint recognition or facial recognition for enhanced key security.
Utilize Mobile Apps for AccessUse mobile apps that offer remote access and virtual keys to control access to your home securely.
Opt for Keyless Entry RemotesUse keyless entry remotes or fobs to conveniently unlock doors without the need for physical keys.
Invest in Smart LocksUpgrade to smart locks that offer advanced security features, such as encryption and tamper detection.

Get To Know Your Neighbors

As a home security pro, one of the most important things to do is get to know your neighbors. It’s hard to keep an eye on your house if you don’t know who lives nearby and how they might behave. 

You can find out more about them by inviting them over for dinner or drinks, or even just checking in when you’re out and about.

Be Cautious About Sharing Information On Social Media

It’s important not to post your location, pictures of your valuables or home, or give out personal information when you’re at home alone. 

This includes passwords and security codes for things like computers, phones and safes. If a burglar sees that you have a safe in your house they might try breaking into it instead of just stealing the valuables that are lying around in plain sight!

Don’t give out personal information to strangers. If someone calls you asking for personal details, don’t give them any and hang up immediately if they continue with their questions after being told no (or just tell them there’s been an interruption).

Creating a secure home doesn’t have to break the bank. Explore our curated list of The Top 10 Home Security Fixes that cater to every budget, allowing you to implement effective security measures without compromising on quality or peace of mind.

Keep Your Windows Secure

It’s also important to make sure that all windows are locked before you leave the house. This includes sliding glass doors, which can be opened from the outside if they don’t have locks. If possible, keep your curtains closed and the blinds drawn when you leave your home.

Not only does this help prevent people from peeping in at you through your windows, but it also helps prevent burglars from seeing what valuables are inside your home and which ones aren’t there anymore as well!

And lastly: don’t let strangers in through an open window! If someone knocks on your door while you’re out of town or asleep at night and asks to use the phone because their car broke down (or any other reason), just tell them no thanks and call 911 immediately instead! Don’t let anyone into your house without knowing who they are first!

Install Window LocksUse high-quality locks to secure windows against unauthorized access.
Reinforce Window GlassApply window security film or use tempered glass to reinforce window strength.
Utilize Window Security BarsInstall sturdy window bars or grilles for an added layer of protection.
Upgrade to Impact-Resistant WindowsConsider installing impact-resistant windows to withstand strong forces and prevent break-ins.
Use Window AlarmsInstall window alarms that trigger an alert when the window is opened or tampered with.
Consider Window Security FilmApply security film to windows to reinforce them and prevent shattering upon impact.
Opt for Laminated or Polycarbonate GlassUse laminated or polycarbonate glass for enhanced window security, providing resistance to breakage.


I hope you feel a little more prepared to go out and do some home security upgrades. If all of these seem overwhelming, start with one or two things that you can easily do and then work your way up from there. You’ll be glad you did!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources to further enhance your knowledge on home security and safety:

Skills You Need: How to Keep Your Home Safe: Explore this comprehensive guide that offers practical tips and advice on various aspects of home safety, including burglary prevention, fire safety, and personal security. 10 Ways to Make Your Home Safer: Discover 10 effective strategies to make your home a safer place. This article covers a range of topics, from securing doors and windows to implementing smart home security systems.

Family Handyman: Inexpensive Ways to Theft-Proof Your Home: Learn about cost-effective measures to protect your home from theft. This resource provides practical DIY tips and solutions for enhancing home security without breaking the bank.


Here are some frequently asked questions about home security and their answers:

How can I secure my windows against burglaries?

Securing your windows can be done by installing window locks, reinforcing glass panes, or adding window security film to prevent break-ins.

What are some effective ways to deter burglars when I’m away?

To deter burglars while you’re away, consider using timers for lights, having a trusted neighbor collect mail, and installing motion-activated outdoor lighting.

Should I invest in a home security system?

A home security system can significantly enhance your home’s security. It provides features such as alarms, surveillance cameras, and professional monitoring for added peace of mind.

How can I improve the security of my front door?

Improving the security of your front door can involve installing a deadbolt lock, reinforcing the door frame, and using a peephole or video doorbell for added visibility.

What should I do if I suspect someone has broken into my home?

If you suspect a break-in, prioritize your safety and leave your home immediately. Contact the police and avoid touching anything until they arrive to investigate the situation.