New Home Security Fixes You Won’t Believe Exist: Get Protected Now

If you’re like me, living in a new home can be exciting. However, the prospect of being able to secure your property is a big deal for anyone. The best way to ensure that your home is secure is by taking preventative measures. 

How to Safeguard Your Home Without Spending a Lot
Implementing simple security measures can significantly enhance the safety of your new home.
Ensure all doors and windows are locked when you leave the house or go to bed.
Invest in quality deadbolts and reinforce doors and frames for added security.
Install a security system with professional monitoring for comprehensive protection.
Use outdoor lighting and motion-sensor lights to deter potential intruders.
Trim trees and shrubs near windows to eliminate potential hiding spots.
Secure sliding doors with a bar or rod to prevent forced entry.
Get to know your neighbors and establish a strong community watch program.
Keep valuables out of sight and properly store important documents.
Regularly evaluate and update your home security measures as needed.

Here are some tips on what you can do today to protect yourself from threats and intruders:


  • Tempow is a new home security system that uses your smartphone as the hub. You can control it from anywhere and get notifications when something happens.
  • You can arm and disarm your alarm with a single tap on your phone, so you don’t have to worry about remembering where you put those keys anymore.
  • It also lets you see who’s at the door or if there is a fire, just by looking at your smartphone!
TempowBluetooth audio software stackAndroid, Windows, Linux
Tempow TrueAudio streaming to multiple Bluetooth devicesAndroid
Tempow ProEnhanced audio quality and low-latency streamingAndroid
Tempow AudioAudio profile customizationAndroid

The Blue Line Grid

The Blue Line Grid is a new home security product that uses a blue line grid to detect intruders. It’s a simple solution and one of the most cost-effective ways to protect yourself in your own home. The good news is that it is easy to install, unobtrusive, and affordable!

Building a secure home doesn’t have to be complicated. Discover our comprehensive guide on 16 easy home security fixes that will protect your home from burglars.

Sliding Glass Door Lock Bar

The Sliding Glass Door Lock Bar is a great way to secure your sliding glass door. This is a simple and easy way to keep your home safe, without having to pay for expensive repairs or a brand new door. 

The Sliding Glass Door Lock Bar can be used with any sliding glass door, so if you have one then this product is right for you!

Door Stop Alarm

If you have a doorstop and want to feel protected without paying for an expensive security system, this is the perfect fix. 

The Door Stop Alarm is simply a door stop that also comes with an alarm sensor. You can set it up in any room of your home (even your garage) so that when someone opens the door while they aren’t supposed to be there, it will sound an alarm loud enough for you to hear in another room.

The Door Stop Alarm costs around $24 on Amazon and works with all types of doors bookcase, closet and even bathroom! Once you’ve installed your new security device, all you need to do is push down on the sensor until it clicks into place behind the wall where no one can see or take it off. You don’t even have to remove or adjust anything else!

Now whenever someone tries entering through a closed door that shouldn’t be opened at all times (this includes windows), they’ll hear a very loud blaring sound coming from inside their own house! Isn’t technology amazing?

Ensure the safety of your home and family with our ultimate guide on home security fixes. Learn how to implement effective security measures and secure your peace of mind.

Wireless Microphone

A wireless microphone is a microphone that can transmit audio signals without the need for cables. These devices are widely used in many different situations, from karaoke to speeches and beyond.

In addition to being more convenient than wired microphones, wireless models also tend to be more durable than their wired counterparts. 

This means that you don’t have to worry about accidentally pulling on your cord or knocking over your mic stand like you would with a traditional wired setup; instead, all of the components are contained within one small device which makes them much easier (and safer) to transport than larger setups.

Fake Security Signs

If you’re having trouble picturing fake security signs, they are basically similar to the real thing and give off the same message. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be placed anywhere inside or outside your home. 

Some homeowners choose to place them on their front window, while others use them as part of their garden décor for added security. While these signs look good enough to be authentic, they don’t cost much (as little as $5) and are easy to use—you won’t even need tools!

BrandMaterialWeatherproofSizePrice Range
SecurityManPlasticYes9″ x 9″$5 – $15
SignMissionAluminumYes12″ x 12″$10 – $20
VideoSecuPVCYes8.5″ x 11″$7 – $12
ABUSPlasticYes8″ x 8″$8 – $18
TICONNCorrugated YardYes9″ x 9″$6 – $10

Fake Camera

A fake camera can be a real lifesaver, but it’s also one of the most difficult to get right. You want it to look like a real security camera, but you don’t want to go overboard with its appearance and end up drawing more attention than you’d like. 

Here’s what you need:

  • A small box or bag for your fake camera (something that will fit easily in your home).
  • A device that looks like a motion sensor—a circuit board with four LED lights arranged in parallel on each side of the board (this is optional).
  • Two AA batteries, plus any other hardware necessary for powering your fake camera (typically these are included in the box or bag you purchased earlier).

Once you have all your supplies together, follow these steps: First, take apart the box/bag and remove everything except for two shell halves and two flaps (these will make up part of your finished product). 

Place one shell half on top of a piece of paper towel so that no holes are visible through which light might leak out during use. 

Next put batteries into place inside this shell half so that they’re hidden from view when viewed from above; then place another piece of paper towel over top so as not to let them fall out while moving onto step 2! 

Now reassemble by placing second shell half overtop first one so both sets now sandwich each other at right angles – see diagram below.”

Looking for unconventional ways to enhance your home security? Check out our article on 10 surprising home security fixes that you need to know about now. Protect your home with these innovative strategies.

Smart Home Security Systems

Smart home security systems are designed to protect your home and your family. They may include a camera, door lock, and lighting that can be monitored from afar. 

If you have an existing smart home system set up already, there are ways to upgrade it with new features that will keep you safer.

If you don’t have a smart home yet, now is the time to consider going this route as far as getting protection for your family is concerned. 

These systems can be purchased separately or pre-installed in a kit form – either way will cost around $1,000 depending on what kind of equipment is included with each option (cameras alone tend not cost much more than $200).

Smart homes provide homeowners with great peace of mind because they offer remote access control options so no one will ever need keys again! 

Enhancing your home security doesn’t have to break the bank. Explore our top 10 list of home security fixes for every budget and find practical solutions to safeguard your property.

A Good Doggy

If you want a good deterrent, you can’t go wrong with a good doggy. A trained dog can bark when it hears something suspicious or smells something suspicious or sees something suspicious.

If you’re wary of having a guard dog around, then consider this: a well-trained dog is often more effective than an alarm system (which may not go off if someone breaks in). Plus, unlike an alarm system, the homeowner won’t pay for monthly monitoring fees on top of their monthly pet food bill!

Smart Smoke Detectors and Alarms

Smoke detectors are a must-have in any home. In fact, the U.S. Fire Administration recommends having one on every level of your home and in every bedroom, hallway, and kitchen. 

But even if you’ve got multiple smoke detectors installed throughout your property, they’re still only as good as the batteries that power them and most people don’t even realize that they need to change their smoke detector batteries until they set off an alarm.

The good news is that there’s an easy solution: smart smoke detectors! With smart technology built right into them (as well as other features), this type of device can detect not only fires but also carbon monoxide leaks and other hazards before they become major problems for your family or pets.

BrandKey FeaturesPrice Range
NestInterconnectivity, mobile alerts, voice alerts$100 – $150
RingConnected to Ring ecosystem, smartphone alerts$30 – $100
First AlertInterconnectivity, voice alerts, carbon monoxide detection$50 – $100
KiddeWireless interconnectivity, smartphone alerts$20 – $80
SimpliSafeCellular connectivity, professional monitoring option$100 – $200

Carbon Monoxide Detectors and Alarms

A carbon monoxide (CO) detector or alarm is a must-have for any home. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can be deadly to people and animals. It can build up in your home without you even knowing it’s there, so it’s important to make sure you have a CO detector installed.

CO detectors are affordable and easy to install – they’re available at most hardware stores and online retailers like Amazon. 

For best results, install your CO detectors near the bedrooms because this will give them enough time to detect the gas before it reaches dangerous levels in that area of your home.

Don’t overlook the importance of home security. Discover 15 effective home security fixes that could potentially save you thousands of dollars in losses. Protect your home with these valuable tips and tricks.


One of the best things about these new home security fixes is that they don’t use cameras. This means you can still have privacy in your own home, even when it comes to protecting it from burglars or intruders who might be lurking outside. 

You should always be careful when choosing new home security systems though because some companies will try to sell their products at high prices while offering little value in return. 

Be sure not only look into what kind of equipment they offer but also how much money they want out of customers too!

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources for further reading on home security:

10 Simple Ways to Secure Your New Home: Discover straightforward and effective methods to enhance the security of your new home.

Home Security: Visit this website for valuable information and tips on home security from the Cottonwood Police Department.

Home Security Tips: Get expert advice and practical tips on home security to help protect your property and loved ones.


Here are some frequently asked questions about home security:

What are some common home security risks?

Common home security risks include unlocked doors and windows, lack of proper lighting, and outdated or non-functional security systems.

How can I improve the security of my home on a budget?

There are several budget-friendly measures you can take to improve home security, such as installing deadbolts, using window security film, and implementing a neighborhood watch program.

Are smart home security systems worth it?

Smart home security systems can provide enhanced convenience and control, allowing you to monitor your home remotely and receive real-time alerts. However, their value depends on your specific needs and preferences.

What should I do when going on vacation to secure my home?

Before leaving for vacation, ensure all doors and windows are locked, ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property, and consider using timers for lights and electronics to create the appearance of an occupied home.

How can I deter burglars from targeting my home?

To deter burglars, consider installing visible security cameras, displaying signs of a security system, maintaining a well-maintained yard, and avoiding broadcasting your absence on social media.