The Most Effective Home Security Fixes You Haven’t Heard Of

No matter how many home security systems you’ve installed, there’s still a chance that a burglar could break into your home. 

That’s why it’s important to keep an eye out for potential vulnerabilities in your house and address them immediately. Here are some ideas for improving your home security without breaking the bank:

10 Home Security Ideas That Are Next Level – YouTube
Implementing home security fixes can save lives and protect your property.
Regularly inspect your doors and windows for vulnerabilities and reinforce them as needed.
Install a reliable alarm system and consider additional security measures such as motion-sensor lights and security cameras.
Secure your outdoor spaces by trimming shrubs, adding fences, and securing gates.
Practice good habits like locking doors and windows, using timers for lights, and not sharing travel plans on social media.
Develop a safety plan and communicate it with your family members.
Consider investing in smart home security systems for added convenience and protection.
Stay informed about the latest advancements in home security and update your security measures accordingly.
Utilize neighborhood watch programs and communicate with trusted neighbors for increased vigilance.
Always prioritize personal safety and contact the authorities if you suspect a break-in or notice suspicious activity.

Home Security Cameras

Home security cameras are a great way to keep an eye on your home and loved ones. They can be installed in minutes, provide 24/7 monitoring, and allow you to see what’s going on inside or outside of your house at all times.

Home surveillance cameras are also useful for catching intruders in the act of breaking into your home or stealing from it–or simply letting you know when someone has arrived without permission.

There are many different types of home security cameras available today, ranging from simple analog models that lack features such as night vision or motion detection to high-end digital systems with multiple lenses and other bells and whistles (like two-way audio). 

The right one for you depends on what features matter most to you personally: Are they worth paying extra money for? Will they benefit my family? What do other reviewers say about them? Here’s how we answered these questions when researching our top picks:

Building a strong home security system is crucial to protect your family and belongings. Learn about 16 Easy Home Security Fixes that will safeguard your home from burglars and give you peace of mind. Check out our comprehensive guide for more details. 16 Easy Home Security Fixes

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are one of the most common types of home security devices. They’re easy to install and can be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Triggering lights (when someone walks by)
  • Triggering alarms (when someone breaks in)
  • Triggering cameras (so you can see who is outside)

Motion sensors are also useful for more than just security applications; they can be used as triggers for other systems in your home as well! 

For example, if you have an automated lighting system that turns off when no one is around or if there’s been no activity detected within a certain period of time,

 then motion sensors could help make sure that doesn’t happen accidentally while still allowing people access through automatic doors/windows during business hours without having to worry about them locking themselves outside unintentionally before returning home at night

Passive Infrared (PIR) SensorsDetects changes in infrared radiation caused by moving objects and triggers an alarm.
Microwave SensorsEmits microwave signals and detects changes in the frequency when objects move, triggering an alarm.
Dual Technology SensorsCombines both PIR and microwave technologies for enhanced motion detection accuracy and reduced false alarms.
Ultrasonic SensorsEmits high-frequency sound waves and detects changes in the echo pattern caused by moving objects.
Vibration SensorsDetects vibrations or tremors caused by unauthorized entry attempts or movement in restricted areas.
Pet-Immune Motion SensorsDesigned to ignore the movement of small pets, reducing false alarms triggered by pets’ presence.
Outdoor Motion SensorsSpecifically designed for outdoor use, these sensors detect motion in open areas surrounding the property.
Brand-Specific Motion SensorsVarious brands offer their own motion sensor options with unique features and advanced technology for optimal motion detection.

Note: The table above presents different types of motion sensors commonly used for home security. Each type is described concisely, highlighting its detection method and purpose. The table includes passive infrared (PIR) sensors, microwave sensors, dual technology sensors, ultrasonic sensors, vibration sensors, pet-immune motion sensors, outdoor motion sensors, and brand-specific options.

Motion sensors play a crucial role in detecting movement and triggering alarms, providing an important layer of security for homes and properties.

Unlocked Doors And Windows

The most common entry point for home invasions is unlocked doors and windows. To protect your home, it’s essential that all exterior doors and windows are locked at all times. 

You should also keep a close eye on exterior doors to make sure they remain secure against intruders trying to pry them open with crowbars or other tools.

If you’re still worried about someone getting into your house through an open window or door, there are several ways to further secure these areas:

Install deadbolts on all exterior doors (including those leading from the garage) that go into the main living space of your house; this will prevent burglars from gaining access through those entrances after breaking through another part of the structure like an upper floor windowpane or glass door paneling

Use steel locksets instead of wooden ones; steel is stronger than wood so it can withstand more force without being bent outwards away from its frame

If possible use keypad entry systems instead of traditional keyed locks; this makes it harder for intruders who might try picking them open using lockpicks

When it comes to ensuring the safety of your home and loved ones, it’s essential to have the right knowledge. Discover The Ultimate Guide to Home Security Fixes and find practical tips and effective solutions to protect your home and family today. Visit our guide to learn more. The Ultimate Guide to Home Security Fixes

Deadbolts And Security Bars


Deadbolts are a great way to keep burglars out of your home. They’re simple and easy to install, but you have to make sure they’re installed correctly and that they work properly. If you have any doubts about your deadbolt’s operation, take it down today!

Security Bars:

If you don’t want the hassle of replacing all your doors with new ones that have locks on them (and who does?), then security bars may be right up your alley. Security bars are just like normal window screens except they have a bar across them instead of mesh material–and they can be locked into place so no one can open them from outside without unlocking them first!

Single Cylinder DeadboltOffers key access from the outside and a thumb-turn on the inside for locking and unlocking the door.
Double Cylinder DeadboltRequires a key for both the outside and inside, providing increased security but may hinder quick exit in emergencies.
Keyless Entry DeadboltUtilizes electronic keypads, fingerprint scanners, or smartphone apps for convenient and secure access.
High-Security DeadboltFeatures advanced security features, such as hardened steel construction and pick-resistant mechanisms.
Door Security BarsReinforces doors by blocking them from opening and preventing forced entry.
Window Security BarsInstalled on windows to deter unauthorized access and enhance overall security.
Patio Door Security BarsSpecifically designed to secure sliding patio doors and prevent them from being forced open.
Brand-Specific Deadbolts and Security BarsVarious brands offer their own deadbolt and security bar options with unique features and enhanced security measures.

Note: The table above showcases different types of deadbolts and security bars commonly used for home security. Each type is briefly described, highlighting its purpose and key features. The table includes single cylinder deadbolts, double cylinder deadbolts, keyless entry deadbolts, high-security deadbolts, door security bars, window security bars, patio door security bars, and brand-specific options.

These products play a crucial role in reinforcing entry points and preventing unauthorized access, enhancing the overall security of homes and properties.

Smart Locks

Smart locks are an easy way to give your home an extra layer of security. They can be controlled with a smartphone app, which means you don’t have to fumble around for keys when you get home and are tired from work. 

The best part is that they’re more secure than traditional locks–the most advanced models will automatically lock or unlock based on your location (so if you leave the house, it’ll lock behind you). 

Smart locks also allow owners to create temporary pass codes for guests who need access while they’re there, so that no one has access 24/7 without permission.

Illumination And Home Automation Systems

In addition to lighting the way, your home’s lights can also be used as a deterrent. If you have motion-activated or light-sensitive lighting installed in the areas of your home that are most vulnerable to intruders (e.g., near entrances), it will make them less appealing targets for criminals. 

In fact, many burglars avoid homes with these types of systems because they don’t want to get caught in the act!

If you have any hard-to-see areas around your property where people might try to break in–for example, if there’s a small window on an upper floor–install additional illumination so that when someone attempts entry through this spot they won’t be able to hide their face from view while doing so. 

This is especially important if someone has been spotted by security cameras but still manages escape before police arrive at the scene; by placing extra lighting in these problem spots, homeowners can ensure that any potential intruders are illuminated long enough for authorities or neighbors’ eyesight

Are you looking for surprising and innovative ways to enhance your home security? Explore our article on 10 Surprising Home Security Fixes that you need to know about right now. Learn about unconventional methods to secure your home and keep your loved ones safe. 10 Surprising Home Security Fixes

Fire Detection Devices

Smoke detectors. These are the most basic and well-known type of home security device, but they’re also one of the most effective. They detect smoke in your home and sound an alarm to alert everyone to get out fast.

Carbon monoxide detectors. These can save your life if you have a gas stove or fireplace, plus they’ll let you know when there’s dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in your home from other sources like car exhaust pipes or faulty appliances (like water heaters).

Heat alarms/thermostats with built-in smoke detectors. If someone breaks into one room while everyone else is asleep elsewhere in the house, these devices will let them know as soon as possible so they can call 911 without being caught by surprise! 

They’re also good at catching fires started accidentally by unattended candles or pets playing with electrical cords–anyone who lives alone should have one installed right away!

Smoke AlarmsDetect smoke particles and sound an alarm to alert occupants of a potential fire.
Heat DetectorsSense significant temperature changes and activate an alarm when a predetermined threshold is exceeded.
Flame DetectorsUse optical sensors to detect the presence of flames and trigger an alarm.
Carbon Monoxide DetectorsMonitor carbon monoxide levels in the air and provide early warning of this toxic gas.
Gas DetectorsDetect the presence of flammable gases, such as natural gas or propane, and trigger an alarm.
Fire Sprinkler SystemsAutomatically release water to suppress and extinguish fires when heat is detected.
Fire ExtinguishersPortable devices that dispense extinguishing agents to put out small fires.
Fire BlanketsFire-resistant blankets used to smother small fires or wrap around a person to shield them from flames.
Flameproof CurtainsSpecialized curtains designed to resist flames and limit the spread of fire.
Brand-Specific Fire Detection DevicesVarious brands offer their own unique devices with advanced features for efficient fire detection and prevention.

Note: The table above presents different types of fire detection devices based on their functionalities. Each type is accompanied by a brief description of its purpose. The table includes smoke alarms, heat detectors, flame detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, gas detectors, fire sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, fire blankets, flameproof curtains, and brand-specific devices.

These devices play vital roles in detecting and responding to fires, providing early warnings and fire suppression capabilities.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels like natural gas and coal. It’s also found in some household materials such as paint and varnish.

Carbon monoxide detectors can save your life: In 2018 alone, carbon monoxide poisoning killed an estimated 400 people in the United States — many more than died from firearm-related injuries that year! 

But they’re not expensive or difficult to install; they usually just plug into an electrical outlet near where you sleep at night (or anywhere else you spend most of your time). 

And once installed, they’ll keep beeping until someone checks on them — so if anything happens while everyone’s asleep (and thus unable to hear it), there will be no doubt about whether or not something needs attention before someone gets hurt!

Enhancing the security of your home doesn’t have to break the bank. Discover The Top 10 Home Security Fixes for Every Budget and find affordable yet effective solutions to protect your property. Check out our guide to learn more about budget-friendly security measures. The Top 10 Home Security Fixes for Every Budget

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are the most important thing in a home. They’re cheap, they’re easy to install and they can save lives. 

They should be placed on every level of the home (including garages and basements) as well as outside sleeping areas like bedrooms or living rooms. 

You should also test them monthly by pushing the button on top–this will make them chirp loudly so you know they’re working properly–and replace them every 10 years if they’re hardwired into your electrical system (most modern smoke detectors are).

Ionization Smoke AlarmDetects fast-flaming fires and uses ionization technology.
Photoelectric Smoke AlarmIdeal for detecting smoldering fires and utilizes light-scattering technology.
Dual Sensor Smoke AlarmCombines both ionization and photoelectric technologies for comprehensive fire detection.
Smart Smoke AlarmOffers additional features such as mobile notifications, interconnectivity, and remote monitoring.
Hardwired Smoke AlarmWired directly into the home’s electrical system for consistent power supply.
Battery-Powered Smoke AlarmOperates on replaceable batteries, providing flexibility and reliability.
Interconnected Smoke AlarmWhen one alarm detects smoke, all interconnected alarms sound simultaneously.
Wireless Smoke AlarmUses wireless communication to connect with other smoke alarms in the network.
Combination Smoke and Carbon Monoxide AlarmProvides protection against both smoke and carbon monoxide hazards.
Brand-Specific Smoke AlarmsVarious brands offer their own unique features and technologies for enhanced fire detection.

Note: The table above provides different types of smoke alarms based on their functionality and features. The description for each type is concise and highlights their main purpose. The table includes various types of smoke alarms, including ionization, photoelectric, dual sensor, smart, hardwired, battery-powered, interconnected, wireless, combination (smoke and carbon monoxide), and brand-specific options.

Security Panels With Keypad Entry And Status Lights

If you’re not interested in getting a complete home security system, but want to add some extra protection to your home, consider installing a security panel. 

These devices are easy to install and use, as well as affordable–and they can help keep tabs on things like temperature and humidity levels inside the house.

Stay up to date with the latest advancements in home security. Explore our article on New Home Security Fixes You Won’t Believe Exist and discover innovative technologies and solutions to enhance your home’s safety. Don’t miss out on these incredible options. New Home Security Fixes You Won’t Believe Exist


We hope this article has inspired you to take action and make your home more secure. There are so many ways to improve your security, but we focused on the most effective ones that will have an impact right away. 

If you have any questions or concerns about any of these tips, please contact us! We’d love to help make sure everyone feels safe in their homes.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources you can explore to learn more about home security:

Keep Your Home Safe: Top Tips for Home Security: Discover essential tips and strategies to keep your home secure and protect it from potential threats. Learn about common vulnerabilities and effective security measures.

Inexpensive Ways to Theft-Proof Your Home: Explore cost-effective methods and DIY solutions to enhance the security of your home without breaking the bank. Find practical tips and tricks to deter potential burglars.

Home Security Tips for Summer: Learn about specific security considerations and measures to take during the summer season. From vacation safety to outdoor security, this article provides valuable insights for keeping your home protected.


What are some basic home security measures everyone should take?

Taking basic home security measures is essential for safeguarding your home. Some fundamental steps include installing deadbolt locks on all exterior doors, securing windows with locks or reinforced glass, and installing a reliable alarm system.

How can I deter burglars from targeting my home?

There are several effective ways to deter burglars. You can start by ensuring your home appears occupied, even when you’re away, by using timers for lights and radios. Keeping your property well-lit, trimming shrubs, and maintaining a tidy yard can also make your home less appealing to potential burglars.

Are there any affordable options for improving home security?

Yes, there are affordable options for improving home security. Some budget-friendly measures include installing motion-sensor lights, reinforcing doors and windows with security film or bars, and using inexpensive home security systems that offer basic monitoring and alerts.

How can I secure my home while on vacation?

Securing your home while on vacation is crucial. You can ask a trusted neighbor to keep an eye on your property, use timers for lights and electronics to create the illusion of occupancy, and avoid sharing your travel plans on social media. Additionally, notifying the local police or a neighborhood watch group can provide an extra layer of security.

What should I do if I suspect a break-in or notice suspicious activity around my home?

If you suspect a break-in or notice suspicious activity, prioritize your safety. Avoid confronting the intruders yourself and instead, call the police immediately. Provide them with as much information as possible and let them handle the situation professionally.