The Ultimate Guide To Home Security Fixes: Protect Your Home And Family Today

There are many things you can do to make your house more secure. But, if you’re like me, they seem like a lot of work. I’m not the handiest person in the world, and even when I do something correctly on my own, I often get distracted before finishing. 

So, why would I want to do all these tedious home security fixes? Because it’s important for me to protect myself and my family! Here are some simple ways that you can protect yourself from future break-ins:

The Prepper’s Guide to Securing Your Home – YouTube
Implementing home security measures is crucial for the safety of your family and property.
Start by securing your doors and windows with high-quality locks.
Install a security system that includes cameras, alarms, and monitoring services.
Utilize motion sensor lights to deter potential intruders.
Maintain a well-lit exterior and keep your property well-maintained.
Get to know your neighbors and establish a sense of community vigilance.
Consider reinforcing entry points with security film or laminated glass.
Use timers for lights and electronics to create the illusion of an occupied home when you’re away.
Secure your garage and any other potential entry points.
Keep valuables out of sight and store important documents in a secure location.

Lock Your Doors

  • Lock your doors and windows. You can’t stop every crime that might happen in your home, but you can reduce the chances of a break-in.
  • Don’t leave keys in the lock. If you have to leave for an errand or run some quick errands and forget to take them with you, don’t just leave them dangling from the lock; put them somewhere safe so no one can get their hands on them—like inside a safety deposit box or at a friend’s house who lives nearby.
  • Avoid leaving mail in your mailbox when away from home for long periods of time (like vacation). If someone knows when it’s going to be empty they may try breaking into it while they’re gone!

Building a secure and protected home is crucial for the safety of your family. Explore our comprehensive guide on 16 Easy Home Security Fixes to discover practical solutions that will safeguard your property from potential burglars.

Light It Up

  • Outdoor lighting is one of the most important things you can do to protect your home. Motion-sensor lights are a good option for outdoor lighting, as they turn on when someone approaches and turn off once they have left the area. If you are interested in security lights with a timer, then floodlights and spotlights may be preferable to motion-sensor lights as they will stay on all night long if needed.
  • It’s also important to keep all your windows and doors locked when you’re not at home—even if it’s just going out for a quick trip down to the mailbox! When coming back through an unlocked door or window, use something like an alarm system that goes off when opened (like these).

Get A Dog

When you’re talking about home security, one of the easiest ways to protect yourself and your family is with a dog. Not only can it be trained to bark when strangers approach, but it can also be trained to attack intruders by biting them or holding them down until you get back home.

Pit bulls are some of the best dogs for this purpose because they have very strong jaws and ironclad grips; however, any breed will do if you’re willing to put in time training it correctly.

German ShepherdConsider getting a German Shepherd, known for their protective nature and loyalty, making them excellent guard dogs.
RottweilerRottweilers are powerful and alert dogs that can be trained for protection, providing a strong deterrent to potential intruders.
Doberman PinscherDoberman Pinschers are highly intelligent and loyal dogs, often used in security roles due to their natural guarding instincts.
BoxerBoxers are energetic and strong dogs that can be trained to be protective, making them an excellent choice for home security.
BullmastiffBullmastiffs are large and imposing dogs known for their natural guarding abilities, making them a formidable presence to deter intruders.
Belgian MalinoisBelgian Malinois are intelligent and versatile dogs often used in police and military roles, making them an excellent choice for home protection.
Great DaneGreat Danes, despite their friendly nature, have a commanding presence and can act as a deterrent simply due to their size.
Labrador RetrieverLabrador Retrievers are known for their loyalty and friendly nature, but their size and bark can still serve as a deterrent to potential intruders.
AkitaAkitas are protective and courageous dogs, known for their loyalty to their families and their ability to guard the home.

By welcoming a canine companion into your home, you can not only enjoy the companionship and unconditional love of a pet but also have an extra layer of security as dogs can serve as effective deterrents and alert you to potential threats.

Get A Security System

If you’ve done your research and gotten a quote from a company, now it’s time to make a decision. This is where things get personal: Do you want to install the system yourself? Or do you prefer having a professional handle it for you?

If there was ever an emergency situation, would you rather be able to react quickly and efficiently without having to scramble around trying to remember what buttons do what on your security system? Or would you rather try to find something under all those boxes of Christmas decorations in the closet while your house burns down around everyone screaming at each other while they run out of their rooms with their toothbrushes still in their mouths?

When it comes to home security, there are solutions available for every budget. Dive into our informative article on The Top 10 Home Security Fixes for Every Budget and explore cost-effective ways to enhance the safety of your home without breaking the bank.

Be Aware Of Burglary Patterns In Your Area

In order to protect your home and family, you need to know what kind of burglaries are happening in your area.

  • Know the patterns of burglaries in your neighborhood. What time of day do most break-ins occur? What type of dwelling is most frequently targeted? Where should security cameras be installed?
  • Keep track of the local police department’s crime trends and statistics. You can usually find this information online or on their website, but if not, give them a call!

Get Rid Of Spare Keys. Hide Door Keys Instead.

You can hide your keys in a number of ways, with each method having its own pros and cons. Here are some options:

  • A key safe is ideal if you want to keep your spare keys in one place. They come in all shapes and sizes, with some even camouflaged as rocks or other objects. The downside is that anyone who knows where the key safe is hidden will have access to your home.

Stay one step ahead of potential threats with lesser-known home security fixes. Learn about The Most Effective Home Security Fixes You Haven’t Heard Of in our detailed article and discover unconventional yet highly efficient methods to secure your home.

  • You can use an old-fashioned lockbox to hide your house keys when you’re away from home. These boxes can be locked by hand or with a combination code, so they’re more secure than using a regular box that anyone could open without breaking into it first (like those storage bins). However, these are bulky pieces of furniture that won’t work well if you want easy access at all times—or if you need something more inconspicuous than a big metal box sitting next to your front door!

Uncover surprising and effective strategies to bolster your home security measures. Our article on 10 Surprising Home Security Fixes You Need to Know About Now reveals innovative techniques that can significantly improve the protection of your property.

Get A Home Safe. Use It!

A home safe is an essential piece of security equipment. If you have valuables that are too valuable to leave in your home, and yet can’t afford to lose, a home safe is the way to go. A quality home safe will be able to store your most important documents and small items securely without being easily broken into by burglars.

You should choose a safe based on its ability to keep out moisture, fire and prying hands, as well as its size (measured in cubic feet). You’ll want something large enough for all of your valuables but not so large that it takes up too much space or becomes heavy when full. As with any product purchase, be sure that the manufacturer provides good customer service in case you need help during installation or any other type of problem arises down the road; this way they can help answer questions about their products–and even how best to use them!

Nowadays there are many options available when shopping around for safes: some people prefer traditional horizontal models while others prefer vertical ones; some people like digital locks while others like keyed locks; some people prefer metal over wood construction because wood tends not hold up well against fire damage (metal does). It’s up to personal preference which type you buy!

Install Motion-Detector Lights Around The House And In The Yard

Motion-detector lights are a great deterrent against intruders. They can be installed in the yard, at the front door, or even along the driveway. If you have an open garage with no windows, consider installing motion-detector lights there as well.

The best part about these kinds of lights is that they don’t cost very much to install and can be programmed so they only come on when triggered by movement within a certain distance from them—usually 15 feet or less. This makes sense because if someone wants to break into your home or business and cause trouble for you, chances are good that he won’t stick around waiting for his eyes to adjust after being hit by full force light! He’ll likely try something else instead!

Ring Floodlight CamInstall Ring Floodlight Cam, a motion-activated HD security camera with built-in floodlights, providing both lighting and surveillance for enhanced security.
Philips Hue Outdoor LightsUtilize Philips Hue outdoor lights equipped with motion sensors, allowing you to automate lighting in response to movement around the house and yard.
Arlo Pro 3 Spotlight CameraSet up Arlo Pro 3 Spotlight Camera, a wireless security camera with integrated spotlights and motion detection, illuminating the area and capturing video footage when motion is detected.
Mr. Beams Motion LightsUse Mr. Beams motion lights, battery-powered LED lights with motion sensors, ideal for illuminating specific areas around the house and yard.
Lutron Caseta Motion SensorIncorporate Lutron Caseta motion sensors, compatible with Caseta smart lighting systems, to automatically turn on lights upon detecting movement.
MAXSA Innovations Solar LightsInstall MAXSA Innovations solar-powered lights with motion sensors, providing energy-efficient lighting and triggering illumination when motion is detected.
Sengled Motion Sensor BulbsReplace standard bulbs with Sengled motion sensor bulbs, which detect motion and automatically turn on and off to conserve energy while ensuring adequate lighting.

By installing motion-detector lights around your house and yard, you can significantly enhance your home security by illuminating potential areas of activity and deterring intruders.

Don’t Let Mail Pile Up When You’re On Vacation. Have A Neighbor Collect It.

If you are going on vacation, ask a neighbor to collect your mail and pick up the newspaper. If you have a deadbolt, leave a note for your mail carrier to leave your mail in the mailbox or in another secure location. Make sure they know how to get in if they are not able to find you at home.

Achieving peace of mind starts with implementing reliable home security fixes. Take a look at our comprehensive list of 17 Home Security Fixes that will provide you with the reassurance you need to protect your family and property.

Invest In Some Smart Home Gadgets To Make Your Home More Secure

A smart home is an awesome way to keep tabs on your home. You can use a smart thermostat to control the temperature, lights, and appliances in your house remotely. Some even have cameras that can be used as part of a DIY home security system. Smart locks let you lock or unlock doors with your smartphone and they also send alerts when someone tries to access the door without permission.

Smart home gadgets are also great for keeping an eye on things while you’re away from home—which is especially important if you have pets or kids who could get into trouble if left alone too long (or worse).

Just make sure you know what type of smart gadgets work best for your family’s needs so they don’t end up costing more than they save!

Make Your Home Look Occupied At All Times

The appearance of a home can be as important as the actual security measures in place. If a burglar sees that your house looks occupied at all times, they may decide that it’s not worth their time to break in. Here are some simple ways you can make sure your home looks occupied at all times:

  • Lights On At Night

If you have motion-sensing lights around the exterior of your home, make sure they are turned on at night so burglars won’t be able to easily spot any potential vulnerabilities. Also, if there are lights inside that switch on automatically when someone enters through a door or window, leave them on too (this is especially important if you have an alarm system installed).

Smart LightingUse smart bulbs and lighting systems to schedule lights to turn on and off automatically, giving the appearance of activity inside the home.
TimersSet timers for lamps, TVs, or radios to create the illusion that someone is present even when you’re away.
Smart CurtainsInstall smart curtains or blinds that can be remotely controlled to open and close at specific times, making it seem like someone is adjusting them.
TV SimulatorsUtilize TV simulators that mimic the flickering lights and sounds of a television, making it appear as if someone is watching inside the house.
Virtual AssistantsUse virtual assistants like Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant to control lights, music, and other devices to simulate occupancy.
Noise MachinesConsider using noise machines that replicate typical household sounds like conversations, footsteps, or even barking dogs to create the impression of people being present.
Home Security SystemsSome advanced home security systems offer “away” modes that simulate activity by automatically turning on and off lights and electronics in different rooms.


What we’ve outlined in this guide is just the beginning of home security. The truth is, there are many ways to secure your home and family, but these few tips should give you a good start. If you have any additional questions or concerns about how to protect yourself against burglary or other crimes, please reach out to us here at the blog! We would love to hear from you and help answer any questions that may be holding back your progress towards a safer lifestyle.

Further Reading

Here are some additional resources and articles to further enhance your knowledge about home security:

10 Simple Ways to Secure Your New Home: Explore this informative blog post that provides ten straightforward methods to enhance the security of your new home.

Ways to Make Your Home Safer: Discover various ways to make your home safer with this comprehensive guide, offering practical tips and insights.

Burglar Alarms and Home Security: Read this comprehensive article by Which? that covers various aspects of home security, including burglar alarms and smart security systems.


How can I improve the security of my home?

There are several steps you can take to improve the security of your home, such as installing a security system, reinforcing doors and windows, installing outdoor lighting, and keeping your property well-maintained and visible from the street.

What are some effective deterrents for burglars?

Some effective deterrents for burglars include installing visible security cameras, using motion sensor lights, displaying signage indicating a security system is in place, and maintaining a well-lit and well-maintained property.

Should I consider a smart security system for my home?

A smart security system can offer advanced features and remote access control, allowing you to monitor and control your home security from anywhere. Consider your needs and budget to determine if a smart security system is the right choice for you.

How can I secure my windows effectively?

To secure your windows effectively, you can install window locks or security bars, reinforce the glass with security film, or use window sensors as part of a security system. Additionally, keeping windows locked when not in use is a simple yet effective measure.

What should I do if I experience a home security breach?

If you experience a home security breach, prioritize your safety and the safety of your family. Contact the authorities immediately, document any damage or missing items, and consider upgrading your security measures to prevent future incidents.